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35th Guitar Festival Mikulov

09 Jul 2023 - 15 Jul 2023
Mikulov, Czechia
This page contains information about a past festival edition. View the latest edition here.

The Guitar Festival Mikulov belongs to the most significant events of its kind not only in the Czech Republic but also in the Central Europe. Its 35th year will traditionally include seminars, lectures, workshops and masterclasses. A very important part of the festival is a number of afternoon and evening concerts for general public. Therefore, the participants will have an opportunity to observe the invited tutors both during their masterclasses and live performances.

The main goal of the festival is to introduce world’s top classical guitarists to Czech and foreign participants and to provide them with the information about the latest trends in the area of guitar composition and interpretation. The organizers believe that the festival will contribute to better artistic education and orientation of Czech participants. We also aim to introduce concert guitar in a picturesque and inspirative environment which will enrich not only Mikulov region but also the whole course of national and international cultural events. Next important goal is to give an opportunity to rising generation to play in front of the professional public and under the leading of top artists which represents unique and valuable experience for their future career.

The festival in 2023 will customarily proceed in two levels. The first is intended mainly for the active participants but after previous arrangement will be open for general public too. This part of the festival consists of masterclasses, seminars, lectures and various workshops including guitar orchestra rehearsals. The second, level for public, consists of twelve afternoon and evening concerts in Mikulov castle. The component part of the festival are sales exhibitions of musical instruments and accessories, sheets, books, CDs and DVDs.

The performances of the evening concerts will include top guitarists from all of the world like European Guitar Quartet: Zoran Dukić & Pavel Steidl & Reentko Dirks & Thomas Fellow (Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany), Judicaël Perroy (France), Gaëlle Solal (France), Anabel Montesinos (Spain), Edin Karamazov (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Gabriel Bianco & Marina Viotti (France), Guitar orchestra & Pia Gazarek Offermann (Germany) & Marek Pasieczny (Poland) & dir. Thomas Offermann (Germany).

The masterclasses will take place every day from 9.00 to 12.30 in the areal of the Elementary school (Základní škola) Hraničářů in Mikulov. At the same place will take place seminars, lectures, workshops and guitar orchestra rehearsals during afternoon hours. The participants of masterclasses will have an opportunity to show the results of their work during the afternoon concerts open for general public.

Every year the festival welcomes about 120 active participants. They are mainly students of conservatories, musical colleges and universities, primary musical schools and conservatory teachers or amateurs from the Czech Republic or abroad. The total number of concert-goers is about 2000 people.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

Under 10 euro


Camping , Partner hotel , Youth hostel , AirBnb

Main target group

16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o


City center , Nature

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Music , Classical Music , Jazz , Early Music

Support for disabled people
