000 Dif21 News

38th Danube Island Festival Donauinselfest 2021 #dif21

17 Sep 2021 - 19 Sep 2021
Vienna, Austria

The 38th Donauinselfest - Open air festival with free admission takes place again in September due to Covid19.

The Danube Island Festival will take place from September 17-19, 2021. From August there will be a # dif21 summer tour.

As always, everyone's safety comes first!

On the third weekend in September, the Danube Island will be the venue for music and culture for all generations and every taste with free admission for the 38th time. In addition, from August 2021, the Donauinselfest will again be offering a # dif21 summer tour with the #dif tour bus, which will bring the colorful program directly to the Viennese in the Grätzeln. The safety of the visitors always comes first - the concept for the Danube Island Festival 2021 will be adapted accordingly to the current COVID-19 situation.

The first details will be available in spring 2021.

Organiser: SPÖ Wien, www.wien.spoe.at

Practical info

Pricerange per day


Directions & transport

Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km)



Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Music , Early Music

Support for disabled people
