
4th edition Artes à Rua festival

28 Jul 2022 - 14 Aug 2022
Évora, Portugal

Artes à Rua it’s a music festival that does not let itself be labelled, it’s an intercultural dialogue with all the arts. This results in a process of love, involving heritage, audiences and creators.

In Évora, during the first half of August, the squares and streets are places of affection and enjoyment of music from all over the world. This music results from the many different aesthetic trends and from its dialogue with traditions, thus permanently building the identity of peoples.

These same streets and squares are places of encounter with music, dance, theatre, performance, contemporary circus and visual arts.

The Artes à Rua programming also results from artistic residencies that often involve creators from distant places, diverse artistic disciplines, different languages, who understand each other through a universal language. A language that emerges from creative emotion, tolerance and respect for others, regardless of their social or ethnic origin, their skin colour or sexual orientation, religion or aesthetic background.

Artes à Rua merges with the image of Évora, a city of solidarity, of culture, of respect for the right to difference, a city that looks out over the plain, peering into the historical and cultural landscape that surrounds it, challenging us to critical thinking. During the first fortnight of August, in Évora, music and arts besiege the streets and squares contaminating everything and everyone with freedom.

Full programme here:

Practical info

Pricerange per day



City center

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Heritage , Interdisciplinary , Music , Jazz , Pop , Electronic Music