Antitapas Festival

01 Jul 2023
Anderlecht, Belgium

Since January 2009 the « Antitapas » festival has become a « cult » event in Brussels that includes live concerts, dj sets, artistic and circus performances, parades and free food during the aperò, hence the name, a mixture of the two words “Antipasto” and “Tapas”.

The purpose of the festival is to bring people together through musical and cultural traditions. Live music is the rule, upcoming bands are given a platform, everyone is welcome and fees for entrance and drinks are kept for this purpose very low bringing, as a result, different art forms and nationalities together. We encourage the “right to be happy” that makes art “popular” and its goal is to work as an antidote to the alienation of modern society.

The artistic Programmation is mainly focused on local young emerging musicians and artists with some exceptions when international artists perform.

The formula of the event organised till now has attracted a heterogeneous crowd of international and Belgium people of different ages and backgrounds.

The participation at the festival is an average of 2000 people, but within the many editions that have been done, the range is between 6000 and 2000 people.

The «Antitapas» public is composed of European ex-pats living in Brussels and Belgian residents. The composition results approximately in the following numbers: 30% Belgians, 22% Italians, 18% French, 12% Spanish, and 18% coming from 75 different nationalities.

The age group ranges between 18 and 55 with an average of 27.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro


Fast snack

Main target group

16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o


City center

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Circus , Music , Rock , Electronic Music , Early Music , Street Art

Support for disabled people
