Awake Day1 Petru Cojocaru 3333


15 Aug 2019 - 18 Aug 2019
Gornești, Romania

AWAKE is the first boutique festival in Romania. It was born in the heart of Transylvania, on Teleki Grounds in Tirgu Mures. Since the very beginning, in 2017, its main purpose is to create unforgettable stories with its Awakers, on an eclectic background of music, arts and activities.

AWAKE is not only about music, but about all sorts of art and experiences. That’s why special areas can be found all over the magical surroundings of Teleki Castle. #ComeToAwake and let yourself be inspired by the Forest Library, the Cinema Under the Bridge, the Serenity Meadow and the Feed Your Mind platform where every idea feels at home. Also, ARTDOOR, our big art installations contest, will delight your soul and mind.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

25 to 50 euro




Fast snack , Veggie/vegan

Main target group

16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o

Directions & transport




Average attendence per day

Above 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Architecture , Film , Music , Rock , Pop , Electronic Music

Support for disabled people
