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choreography33 - 33. International Choreographic Competition Hannover

21 Jun 2019 - 22 Jun 2019
Hanover, Germany

Since 33 years the Ballett Gesellschaft Hannover organize the International Competition for Choreographers Hanover. This competition estimated within the last years as an important event in the national and international dance scene. The internationality of the both sides, the participating choreographers and the jury shows the high international ranking of this unique competition in Germany.

These are the competition guidelines:

All participants, choreographers and dancers, ought to have professional training.

Choreographers must be 35 or younger. The competition is open to any kind of style. Evaluation is based exclusively on imaginative use of space and time, the realisation of an idea, and its transfer onto the performers.

The duration of the performance, have to be between 5 and 12 minutes. A solo-ballet may not be interpreted by the choreographer him/herself.

The applicant is free in his choice of subject and music. The choreographic work can be send as an Internet link ( youtube, vimeo, etc.) A DVD is also accepted. The link/DVD may only contain the choreography to be performed in the competition. Alternatively is a video/Internet-link possible. Deadline for the application: 17th of April 2019.

A prejury will select a maximum of 20 the submitted works, which will enter the contest. The artistic director of the jury is Nanine Linning, Director Dance Company Nanine Linning.

Jury 2019

Marguerite Donlon - Choreographer and Artistic Director DDC.RD1st Coach and Mentor

Katrín Hall - Director Göteborgs Operans Danskompani

Nanine Linning - Dance Company Nanine Linning

Jörg Mannes, Director Ballett Staatsoper Hannover

Johannes Öhman, Intendant Staatsballett Berlin

Richard Wherlock, Director Ballett Basel

Jury Produktions Awards 2018

Stephen Delattre - Director Delattre Dance Company

Kevin Haigen – Artistic Director Bundesjugendballett

Garry Stewart - Director Australian Dance Theatre

Martin Stiefermann, International Produktionszentrum Schloss Bröllin e.V

Richard Wherlock, Director Ballett Basel

Ed Wubbe - Director Scapino Ballett, Rotterdam

prejury 2019

Nanine Linning - Dance Company Nanine Linning

Gregor Zöllig - Artistic Director & chief choreographer Tanztheater Staatstheater Braunschweig

Dirk Elwert - Fachvermittler Tanz der ZAV Künstlervermittlung


A total sum of 13.500.- EUR in prize money, as well as three production awards will be awarded.

1st prize = 6.000.- EUR

2nd prize = 3.000.- EUR

3rd prize = 2.000.- EUR

Audience award 1.000.- EUR

Award of the critics: 1.500.- EUR

NEW: Ballett Theater Basel Award The winner will receive the opportunity to present the choreography shown in the competition as part of the evening “Dance Lab +” in June 2020 with our dancers of Ballett Theater Basel.

NEW: Residenz International Production Centre Schloss Bröllin e.V The International Production Centre Schloss Bröllin e.V. - northeast of Berlin - offers one of the participants a three-week residence with the possibility of working on a new production with their own dancers. Accommodation, food and studio will be provided - a mentor stands accompanying. The selection will be made by Martin Stiefermann, Artistic Director of the Residence Programme and movin´ bröllin.

Delattre Dance Company Award: The winner will receive the opportunity to present the choreography shown in the competition in a production of the Delattre Dance Company with the dancers of the DDC in Mainz. Artistic Director and Choreographer Stéphen Delattre has founded the DDC in 2012. Stéphen Delattre has received the "Critic's Prize" at the International Choreographic Competition Hanover in 2010.

Tanja Liedtke Scholarship: On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the International competition for choreographers in Hanover, the Tanja Liedtke Foundation donated for the first time a three week's scholarship at the Australian Dance Theatre in Adelaide, Australia. This Prize will be awarded by Garry Stewart, Director of The Australian Dance Theatre. The scholarship includes travel costs, accomodation, and ADT tuition.

Scapino Ballett Rotterdam: Production Award: The winner of the Scapino Production Award is given the opportunity to create a choreography for Scapino Ballet Rotterdam, which will be shown during TWOOLS.

Bundesjugendballett Hamburg: Production Award: The winner of this award isto create a choreography with the "Bundesjugendballet" in Hamburg, which was founded by John Neumeier in 2011 and promotes gifted youths.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro

Art disciplines

Contemporary Dance