
CINEMAFORUM - International Short Film Festival

06 Nov 2019 - 10 Nov 2019
Warsaw, Poland

CINEMAFORUM is an event that allows audience to watch best short movies from all over the world.

Festival shows audience the latest global trends created by young filmmakers, conducts educational activities about a role of the short films in building the recognition of creators in the homeland and abroad, enables the representatives of the film industries to increase competences in promotion of the short films and allows young people to take first steps in creating their own audiovisual works.

The International Short Film Competition of the CINEMAFORUM is varied in terms of geographical and thematic, where only limitation is the length of the submitted films.

The festival also presents retrospectives of the European film schools and foreign short film festivals.
Really important part of the CINEMAFORUM is educational offer. Its variety allows to interest youth, students of the film schools, as well as professionals from the film industry.

CINEMAFORUM supplements existing film educational programmes with important aspects related to promotion of the film on foreign markets, rules of the festival circuit, it is also a meeting place for representatives of the European film markets. Various workshops also attract young people, what supports audience development and educates conscious recipients of the film works.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



City center

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines
