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Commute Festival

16 Apr 2023 - 21 Apr 2023
Tallinn, Estonia Tallinn, Estonia Tallinn, Estonia Tallinn, Estonia

Festival Commute (Computer and Music Technology) combines sound, visuals and music technology. This year, it celebrates its 5th birthday.

The festival is run by the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EAMT) and combines existing literature / professional experience with fresh creative flashes of young people, to create a ground and outcome in synergy. In addition to student works, outstanding professional musicians-artists, both domestically and internationally, are included in the festival.

The main event of the festival is the Friday evening concert "SWEET TORTURE"/"Magus piin", which takes place in cooperation with music universities in Latvia, Finland, Norway and Italy. This is the first Erasmus+ BIP project, in which EAMT is a leading partner. In connection with the project, EAMT is very happy to host the Italian contemporary music ensemble Azione_Improvvisa. In addition to them, Estonian Ensemble U:, US/Danish artist Wayne Seigal and Azerbaijani composer Azer Haciaskerli will also be the guests at this year's Commute.

Danish/US artist Wayne Seigal is the first director of the Danish Center for Electroacoustic Music (DIEM), DIEM was merged with the Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus in 2003, and Siegal became a professor of electronic music there. His incumbent is heard in the cinema Sõprus at the concert "Rituals".

See a review by Simon Cummings (5against4, UK):

Practical info

Pricerange per day


Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km) , Shuttle service


City center

Art disciplines

Digital Arts , Interdisciplinary , Music , Classical Music , Electronic Music , Photography/Video

Support for disabled people
