
04 Aug 2023 - 05 Aug 2023
Prizren, Kosovo
This page contains information about a past festival edition. View the latest edition here.

DokuFest is the largest cultural event in Kosovo. Now in its 22nd edition, it is one of the most important documentaries and short film festivals in South East Europe. It showcases around 200 films each year, both local and international, and welcomes hundreds of filmmakers and film professionals to the charming city of Prizren. DokuFest is both BAFTA and EFA nominating festival.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

Under 10 euro


Partner hotel , AirBnb

Main target group

Under 12 y/o , 12 - 16 y/o , 16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o


City center

Average attendence per day

Above 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Film , Music , Electronic Music , Photography/Video

Support for disabled people
