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DrimOn Festival

31 Jul 2019 - 04 Aug 2019
Struga, North Macedonia

Initiative for Independent Cultural Activism (INCA) has been created as an association of cultural workers with the aim to pursue, protect and coordinate the interests of the community and foster the promotion of contemporary and independent art and culture.

For the purpose of achieving this mission in 2013 we founded the festival for processing culture –DRIMON. Held during the last week of July, the five day program of the DRIMON Festival has a purpose of providing access to authentic contemporary art achievements, promotion of independent film, literature, theatrical and music scene, to stimulate cultural activism, as well as to offer lectures and workshops that will empower the audience to be aware of and be open-minded for new progressive ideas and better citizenship. Our vision is to transform the city of Struga into a creative environment where these progressive energies will come together to enable the decentralization of ideas that will enrich creative capacities.

Our vision is to grow DRIMON into an international festival that will share the art experiences of contemporary culture and exchange artists and presenters with other festivals. It will result in presenting the audience with greater festival content and integrate DRIMON into the map of European progressive art festivals.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

Under 10 euro



Main target group

16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o


City center

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Contemporary Dance , Film , Interdisciplinary , Music , Rock , Electronic Music

Support for disabled people
