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Early Music Morella

19 Jul 2019 - 25 Jul 2019
Morella, Castellón, Spain

Every year Early Music Morella programs are articulated around specific themes designed to stimulate new attitudes that bring us closer to the music of the past. The Borja were a noble Valencian family of the most powerful Renaissance. Originating from Aragon appear established in the Kingdom of Valencia from the thirteenth century. His social ascension, initiated with the support of Pedro IV the Ceremonious in the War of the Union (1348), culminated with Alfonso Borja (1378-1458), bishop of Mallorca and Valencia, who went to Italy with the court of Alfonso V and he became Pope with the name of Callistus III (1456-1458). His nephew Rodrigo de Borja, Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503), had several children, including Cesare and Lucrezia (1480-1519). Lucrezia was an instrument of the political struggles of her father and her brother Cesare, who married her three times; the last with Alfonso de Este, then Duke of Ferrara (1505). She was the only one in the family who maintained her influence after the death of her father; in his court of Ferrara he dedicated himself to the protection of artists, among them poets and musicians. Later Sant Francesc de Borja, first Marquis of Llombai, Lieutenant of Catalonia, Duke of Gandia, became the third general of the Society of Jesus (1565-1572). The music around the Borja shapes the artistic proposal of this edition of Early Musica Morella, the repertoires of the papal court of Callistus III and Alexander VI, the Italian and Aragonese music of the court of Alfonso the Magnanimous, as well as frottole and songs linked to the court of Ferrara.

The proposal of this edition also coincides with the six hundredth anniversary of the death of St. Vicent Ferrer (1419-2019), to whom we will pay special attention with a musical proposal related to the Notre-Dame de Kernascleden Mass and its link to death and the apocalypse , the sin and the eternal condemnation, so related to the Dance of the Death of Morella and whose essence is the epicenter of medieval thought.

In addition, this musical adventure includes measurement, theory and composition techniques in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the beginnings of musical writing and its notation techniques, oral and written music and their mutual influences as well as character music. instrumental or religious. The combination of elements of historical music with those of oral tradition form the essence of Early Music Morella, music to understand, communicate, listen, interpret and enjoy from their knowledge and reasoning. In this VIII edition in addition to the concerts of the Festival and the Academy of instrumental or vocal improvement, you can enjoy a multitude of parallel activities (guided tours, exhibitions, conferences, Med_Ren Jamsessions, instrument building workshops and we will pay special attention to the actions social networks for the diffusion of early music for young people, the elderly and disadvantaged groups.

It will be a pleasure to share it with all of you.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

Under 10 euro


Partner hotel , Youth hostel


Snack bar , Resto , Star resto , Veggie/vegan , Gluten-lactose free

Main target group

25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus



Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Contemporary Dance , Folklore and folk arts , Heritage , Interdisciplinary , Music , Early Music

Support for disabled people
