Ff2 K20 Banner 3 Edited5


18 Sep 2021 - 19 Sep 2021
Athens, Greece

FANTASY FESTIVAL is a 2-day cultural festival celebrating the Fantasy genre, taking place at the Hellenic American Union, 22 Massalias Str., Athens - Greece.

Our goal is to design, produce and establish a modern and dynamic festival that:

- Popularizes Fantasy culture through the arts of literature, music, dance, theater, crafts, games, and the visual arts.

- Showcases active businesses and companies as well as independent professionals and amateur artists from Greece and abroad, giving them the means and opportunity to present their creations, products and services to a broader audience.

- Attracts and gathers all the people who love Fantasy and its deriving arts and hobbies – from simple fans, bookworms and comic geeks, to board & videogame addicts and flick fanatics – in one place, where they can socialize, catch on the news and latest developments and entertain themselves by attending music performances, speeches and presentations, and participate in several interactive events and contests.

Our vision is to offer a differentiated, interactive and unique experience – A festival that promotes culture, education and environmental awareness and will uphold freedom of expression through creation!

FANTASY FESTIVAL 2K20 is organized by Rιsing Star Promotions (RSP) and the Hellenic Fantasy Legion (HFL) in cooperation with the Hellenic American Union and the Hellenic American College (HAEC).

Practical info

Pricerange per day


Main target group

16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o

Directions & transport



City center

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Digital Arts , Interdisciplinary , Literature , Music , Theater

Support for disabled people
