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Festival Giacometti

30 May 2019 - 02 Jun 2019
Ferreira do Alentejo, Portugal

Festival Giacometti is about nurturing roots and bringing forth new shoots, loving and honouring the elderly, giving voice to the youth, valuing our region’s material and immaterial heritage, and promoting the exchange of local experiences and knowledge with people from all origins. In this vast flat land at the European extreme west, we want to be what we are, solemn and dauntless.

The festival offers a diverse program of music, art, anthropology, cinema, dance and gastronomy. This annual event embraces cultural challenges through the presentation of national and international events of different contemporary expression, marrying together tradition and innovation.

Practical info

Pricerange per day




Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Design, Applied arts , Film , Folklore and folk arts , Music , Photography/Video