Effe Vizual

Festival of Ecological Theater for Children and Youth

22 Aug 2019 - 25 Aug 2019
Backa Palanka, Serbia

At first glance at our local community, you can see a lack of adequate space in which culture would be nurtured and cultural events held. There is also a lack of institutions that consider this problem and act proactively towards it's solution. Artists, employees in field of culture and it's consumers are “thrown outside”. But – for more than two decades, systematically solving this problem, we strive to transform our disadvantages into our advantages. Because of that, this manifestation has become unique in the World, as the only theater festival held in a town without a theater. This Festival is a sole chance for children and youth to see good plays by theaters from our and from other countries, and to take part in a variety of creative workshops.

Although Bačka Palanka has no theater, fully functional cinema, nor museum, we have beautiful natural resources such as Natural Park Tikvara, Special Natural Preservation Bagremara, Danube and it's coast, it's marches and ponds. When you say „culture“, you also say „nature“, because we find those two words indivisible. Ecological importance of this Festival is not only in ecological topics which it works on, but also a fact that a whole festival is held in nature, healthy and ecological environment on coast of Danube. Every year, on same place, the Festival provides stage and equipment needed for performing plays, workshops and other programme, and also an accomodation and other logistics for guests and performers. Festival is more popular from year to year, and it's programme is progressivly better, having participants from all over the world. Festival's syntesis between tradition and enthusiasm made it internationally important and recognized. But it never lost it's local and regional importance.

Organizational core of this festival is made of young people who grew up with the Festival and took part in it, some of them from their very birth! Many have been directed by it, profiled, so that way, we now have professional actors, directors, sound designers and light designers who return to their hometown so they can bring value to their local community and future generations, knowing what kind of influence has this manifestation had on their personal development.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Camping , Partner hotel , Youth hostel


Snack bar , Self service resto , Veggie/vegan

Main target group

Under 12 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus



Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Circus , Music , Jazz , Rock , Electronic Music , Street Art

Support for disabled people
