
Festival Opera Prima XIX

09 Jun 2023 - 18 Jun 2023
Rovigo, Italy Rovigo, Italy Rovigo, Italy
This page contains information about a past festival edition. View the latest edition here.

Opera Prima is, first of all, a festival dedicated to contemporary theatre, i.e. the kind of theatre that explores and searches for new languages. Secondly, it's a Festival dedicated, as the name already implies, to new creativities of the younger generation. Opposing the new customs of levelling out all the differences, accepting only what is already known and considered “in” and conforming every day more the posters of those Festival who should be dedicated to "new theatre" (but that, more often than not, are copy-pasted one from the other), Opera Prima Festival wants to host and give value to the variety of tendencies and researches going on in Italian theatres. Just as it was at the beginning, this Festival wants to be a meeting place, a place where ideas, thoughts, practices, generations can talk with each other, compare between each other, confront each other. Starting from these three years, this Festival wants to be also a bridge between generations. Past, present, future. In a world in which even art is reduced to a moment without history or memory, we feel the need to build a place where artists of different ages, teachers and students, well-known and rising artists, can meet and think, hanging between legacy and betrayal. We also believe this can happen once again only on the skirts of the empire, in a small city like ours, because only far away from the bigger "communication" centres, which have the habit of dull or even dissolve every subject, can real differences be born again.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro

Main target group

16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Contemporary Dance , Interdisciplinary , Music , Theater