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I Teatri del Mondo

14 Jul 2019 - 20 Jul 2019
Porto Sant'Elpidio, Italy
This page contains information about a past festival edition. View the latest edition here.

I Teatri del Mondo” is one of the longest and the most lasting Italian Festival dedicated to children and youth theatre in the world and it represents the most complete window that our country opens up to this particular kind of performance. It includes theatre performances, workshops, exhibitions, special events and original projects.

Since its birth in 1990, the Festival has always joined the theatre people from all over the world in a celebration full of colours and sounds, a celebration that is committed to the rights of minors and to peace among people and countries.

During the Festival, the town of Porto Sant’Elpidio is invaded by a lot of joyful, shouting and strongly motivated people which are one of the elements of boasting and strength of this project. That witnesses their interest in and their love for this event: children and young people with their families; Italian, European and international professionals, amateurs and journalists.

Italian, European and International companies present the most various and original techniques of live performance: theatre of actors and figures, comic theatre, shadows, puppets, marionettes, dance, animated objects, video projections and new technologies, bringing the young and the less young to a voyage through the knowledge, the enchantment and the everlasting magic coming from the story telling.

Today “I Teatri del Mondo” is a big container in which many other linked projects were born and have grown, making it a unique and special event in its genre.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Camping , Partner hotel , AirBnb


Snack bar , Self service resto , Resto , Veggie/vegan

Main target group

Under 12 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus


Nature , Village

Average attendence per day

Above 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines


Support for disabled people
