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I Teatri del Mondo

15 Jul 2023 - 22 Jul 2023
Porto Sant'Elpidio, Italy Porto Sant'Elpidio, Italy

I Teatri del Mondo is one of the most important events dedicated to theatre for children and youth in Italy.
Every year it hosts dozens of performances, workshops, exhibitions, meetings, events and special projects.
In July, Porto Sant'Elpidio becomes the hub of children's theatre, with over twenty thousand children and families.
A large and lively audience makes its affection and a great desire to participate felt by all the Italian and foreign companies that are hosted at the Festival.
National and international companies present productions with the most varied and original techniques: shadows, puppets, marionettes, dance, actors, and new technologies.
But The Theaters of the World is not only entertainment; Alongside the theatrical events, various projects find their place, thus creating a true feast for children and parents, for the city and the entire region.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Camping , Partner hotel , AirBnb


Snack bar , Self service resto , Resto , Veggie/vegan

Main target group

Under 12 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus


Nature , Village

Average attendence per day

Above 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines


Support for disabled people
