
ImproDance Festival 2023

21 Oct 2023 - 29 Oct 2023

A festival that focuses on the improvisation, contemporary dance and performance arts. The festival aims at the development of local and international collaborations, production of new works, and improvement in theoretical and archival efforts in the fields of dance. It organizes activities that are open for participation for both professional and amateur dancers and collectives. It also targets to increase the participation of the youth, the disabled and the bodies beyond the norm around the value of accessibility through dance.

To develop an artistic and cultural dialogue between dancers, academics and choreographers in Turkey and abroad.

To provide support in the form of venues, exposure, rehearsal space, etc. for new works to be produced.

To encourage the increase and dissemination of technical and theoretical studies in the field of improvisational dance and performance.

To bring together young dancers and dance producers from Turkey with the global dance scene.

With the principle of equality in education, to create new networks for dancers in the country as well as for those who are interested to benefit from the performing arts education at global standards.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Partner hotel

Main target group

16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus , Shuttle service


City center , Nature , Suburbs

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Contemporary Dance , Digital Arts , Film , Heritage , Interdisciplinary

Support for disabled people
