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17th IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

15 Sep 2020 - 22 Sep 2020
Varna, Bulgaria
This page contains information about a past festival edition. View the latest edition here.

17th IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

15-22 September 2020

Festival and congress center-Varna, Bulgaria

Founded in 2003, IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival is dedicated to short films, new media and digital arts of up to 27 minutes in length. Originating as a competitive forum for student films, it has grown to be a recognized platform for the expression of both young artists and established professionals – the only one of its kind in Bulgaria serving this particular sector of contemporary culture, and one of the three oldest film forums of this kind on the Balkans.

IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival is an EFFE Label holder - Europe’s quality stamp for remarkable arts festivals showing their engagement in the field of the arts, community involvement and international openness. Since 2017 IN THE PALACE has been an Academy Awards/Oscar® qualifying festival in the categories of Best Animation, Best Fiction and Best National Film and also a Student Academy Awards® qualifying festival. IN THE PALACE is a member of the international network of festivals and institutions serving the short film sector – the Short Film Conference.

Traditionally, in the palace takes place over one week and offers a wide range of events, activities, and programs:

  • 3 film competition programs - (1) the Silver Princess Competition for national and international professional fiction and animation films (OSCAR® Qualifying), (2) a Documentary & Experimental Competition for national and international professional and student documentary and experimental films, and (3) a Student Competition for national and international student fiction and animation films (Student Academy Awards® Qualifying);
  • open press conferences and Q & A sessions with film representatives;
  • thematic screenings outside the competition programs focusing on contemporary issues and selections of the latest nominated and awarded films from European festivals, Oscar and EFA nominated and awarded short films;
  • educational program for young professionals led by established industry representatives;
  • professional meetings of the short film industry;
  • short film market and pitching session to support emerging artists;
  • video library with a digitalized archive of over 10 000 international short films;
  • music program;
  • children’s film program and workshops;
  • film initiatives for amateurs and the general public;
  • film literacy programs for pupils and young people.

So far, the festival has had 16 editions in a row with the mission to promote Bulgarian, European and international contemporary film art, to develop and promote the short film sector, and create a platform for the expression of both young and established filmmakers. The festival is a cultural meeting point of film industry, artists, students, educational institutions, and the general public, that provides access to the latest trends, developments, and learning in the arts and culture through screenings, training and interdisciplinary exchange.

Venue and dates: Festival and Congress Center - Varna, 15 - 22 September 2020

Practical info

Pricerange per day

Under 10 euro

Main target group

16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km)


City center

Art disciplines

Digital Arts , Film , Music , Jazz , Rock , Pop

Support for disabled people
