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International Festival of Monodrama in Kosovo "MonoAKT", XVI edition

09 Mar 2024 - 15 Mar 2024
Prishtina, Kosovo

Description of the International Festival of Monodrama in Kosovo "MonoAKT" 2024, XVI edition Monodrama International Festival in Kosovo "MonoAKT" 2024, XVI edition, began on 09. 06. 2024 - 15. 06. 2024International Festival of Monodrama "MonoAKT" has an international character and that in competition racing. Festival "MonoAKT" aims visits and recognition of artists, participants, guests and international theatre troupes with the history, culture, heritage, monuments of cultural institutions different in our country. The festival "MonoAKT" besides the official program in its composition it has seminars, workshops theater (workshop), various theater lectures, theater conferences, press conferences, etc.The performances are realized and presented during this edition at: -“Dodona” Theater in Prishtina-“Stage of Academy of Arts” in Prishtina-“Istref Begolli” Theatre in Peja The festival is conducted by Thetrical Movie House AKT and supported by the Ministry of Culture of Kosovo and the Municipality of Prishtin. It is founded and run by Festival Director, actor and director Mentor Zymberaj. Festival MonoAKT has the Executive Artistic Board and the organizational staff. The festival MonoAKT is Partnership at the same time in the Theatre Research Institute (ITI), namely by "Kosova Center" of ITI-UNESCO.'MonoAKT' it's member of the IMF – International Monodrama ForumBesides the official program of monodrama competing for prices in MonoAKT, the particular realization of the Festival is that in the framework of this festival it is accomplishedmono festival of mono-performances without text of the so-called "MonoStripi".The festival MonoAKT has two competition Monodrama "MonoAKT" and "MonoStrip" and participation uncompetitive but only presenting "MonoAKT +", in which participates the guest performances.For this edition are selected performances selected in a high competition from different countries of the world, selected from Nina Mazur. (7 Monodrama in competition to "MonoAKT"; Two Theater Performance in the framework of "MonoAKT +" as guest performances; 10 mono-performances new actors participating for the award "MonoStripi”; 10 mono-performances new actors participating for the award "MonoPerformances”)Participant Performances, representatives of countirws that they have been selected for this Festival are: Lituania, Germania , Georgia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, USA, Ukraina, Kosovo, International Jury of the MonoAKT Festival: Nina Mazur (Germany/Ukraine)Liviu Dospinescu (Canada)Emre Erdem (Turkey)Awards of the International Festival of Monodrama in Kosovo “MonoAKT” 2024 -The Best Monodrama (Grand Prix) -The Best Directing-The Best Actor/Actress -Special Price -The Best “Monostrip” -The Best “MonoPerformance” Diploma’s of the Board of the FestivalDiploma “Post Mortum” Special Diploma Diplomas of “Dead Life”for International Experts in the MonoAKTAlso "gratitude" are given for Experts and guests of other Festivals associates and special guests to Association who were present at the festival.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Partner hotel


Resto , Veggie/vegan

Main target group

16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Airport (max 20km)


City center

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines


Support for disabled people
