Theres Nothing Wrong With Walking On Roses  Porcelain Oxides 440 Cm X 46 Cm X 14 Cm

International Glass and Ceramic Biennial 2021

09 Oct 2021 - 17 Oct 2021
Haacht, Belgium

The Art Foundation “Kunststichting Perspektief vzw/asbl”-Belgium is pleased to announce the International Glass & Ceramic Biennal (IGCB2021) which will open on October 8th at the Cultural Community Center Den Breughel , Haacht-Belgium, and will be shown till October 17,2021. The IGCB2021 seeks to present and provoke international perspectives and explorations of glass and ceramic as creative art expression. The event explores different aspects and possibilities of both crafts, offers opportunities to the artists to share their spectacular skills and creativity and is setup to provide an international platform for glass and ceramic talents, for collecting distinctive artworks with unique visions and ideas around the globe. Selected artworks demonstrate the diversity of their makers, from investigations of the materiality of glass & ceramic to the severe explorations at the intersection of high-technology . The organization has cemented Belgian’s position in international contemporary crafts and brought the Art Community Center as venue to become a major global art hub in Belgium. The International Biennial allows 42 artists from all over the world ( 16 countries) to present their works.The biennial shows artists at every point in their career, from emerging to established artists, representing nearly every craft technique. This international exhibition is the opportunity to visualize the evolution and trends of contemporary glass & ceramics at the international level.


Allum Alison (UK) - Bergström Lena (SE) - Claessens Martin (BE) - Holliday Chad (USA) - Israel Krista (NL) - Jeounghee Kim (KR) - Ketele Alexander (BE) - Koshenkova Maria (SU) - Kurvinen Mervi (SF) - Marcolongo Paolo (IT) - Moran John (USA) - Morgan Harry (UK) - Popovici Dan (RO) - Řezáč Václav (CZ) - Rousseau Vincent (BE) - Sparre-Petersen Maria (DK) - Zucchi Caterina (IT)


Ailincai Arina (RO) - Basarab Vlad (RO) - Berben Christine (BE) - Byrne Mike (IRL) -Comello Marie-Josée (NL) - Couwelier Nele (BE) - De Cock Kristof (BE) - Devos Gert (BE) - Govaert Marie-Christine (BE) - Grinshaw Rachel (UK) - Joris Françoise (BE) - Kitahara Atshisi (JP) - Kulak Yusuf Can (TR) - Lalemand Lut (BE) - Lefevere Bernadette (BE) - Melens Lieve (BE) - Meyers Linda (BE) - Pontier Mieke (NL) - Satoshi Kino (JP) - Schutyser Leen (BE) - Shaw Vicky (GB) - Steyaert Frank (BE) - Struyve Kris (BE) - Van Tricht Alfons (BE) - Vukicevic Velimir (RS)

Practical info

Pricerange per day

Under 10 euro




Fast snack , Snack bar

Main target group

25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus


City center , Nature , Village

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Design, Applied arts , Sculptures

Support for disabled people
