Lar Postkarte

LiederLauschen am Rand

27 Jul 2019 - 28 Jul 2019
Oderaue, Germany
This page contains information about a past festival edition. View the latest edition here.

How do you define home? Where do you trace its roots?

How do you approach its origin - and should you even at all?

Issues that drive the music - which will give birth to two days worth of songs in the historic Oderbruch. We ́ll celebrate on 27 and 28 July 2019 in the border neighborhood between Poland and Germany.

On these two days we will bring sophisticated, nature-loving culture fans of both countries together in the legendary Theater am Rand, literally the Theatre on the Edge. Together we ́ll celebrate cosmopolitanism and cultural diversity amid breathtaking scenery.

As a cultural beacon in the vast expanse of the Oderbruch, Theater am Rand has cast
a spell over visitors from all over Germany for the last 20 years and counting.

This place is ideal to listen songs in the margins, near the defunct toll bridge on the Oderaue, annexed around 1750 with the colonization of the Oderbruch by the »Old Fritz« of Prussia with the Kingdom of Poland. Thus came a swathe of people, the Palatinates, Swabians, Polish, Franconians, Westphalians, Vogtlanderers, Mecklenburgers, Austrians and Bohemians that remain dominant in the fabric and character of Oderaue up to this day.

In this location Liederlauschen am Rand, or literally listening to songs on the edge, seeks to build a musical bridge between people from either sides of the Oder.

In addition to music by German and Polish artists, there is a great program with movies, satire, mime and puppet shows for young and old. Additionally we will source the best and most delicious delicacies from both sides of the Oder and combine them in a Polish-German brunch.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

25 to 50 euro




Snack bar , Resto , Veggie/vegan , Gluten-lactose free

Main target group

25 - 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus , Shuttle service



Average attendence per day

Under 500 attendees

Art disciplines

Music , Classical Music , Jazz , Rock , Pop , Electronic Music

Support for disabled people
