La R2020 200626 01 Smal


07 Aug 2020 - 09 Aug 2020
Oderaue, Germany
This page contains information about a past festival edition. View the latest edition here.

City - country - home: for us this is the desire for diversity and familiarity.

We want to bring together the cultural richness of the city with the natural wealth of the country and connect them in a sustainable way.

We are a family-friendly - we are a family festival. We limit ourselves lovingly to a few hundred people because we treat the place, nature and ourselves with care.

Nature conservation and sustainability should be thought of without boundaries. Otherwise it cannot work. Only if we understand together beyond all borders that we can live with and not against nature, we will go in the right direction. With our festival, we want to show and celebrate that this is also possible with joy and without privations.

We contribute to this ourselves through workshops and participation offers. Together we will get to know the nature of this enchanting region. There are guided excursions, on foot, by bike and canoe. We learn Polish or German to understand each other better. We are excellently provided with the best food by the ecovillage Brodowin and learn a lot about biodynamic agriculture. But with all the love for nature - here of course the music plays, here is the song eavesdropping at the edge! The whole thing will be a musical crossover from rock, reaggy, folk and pop to jazz, electro, polka and classical music. We will experience great live acts from Poland and Germany and party until late into the night. But for all our love of exuberance, we never forget the sense for our great new generation. Together we have and create a large and diverse area for children, youth and families. We will dance, do handicrafts, adventure, make music, build and much, much more.

Our claim is to be a NoWaste Festival. Garbage, when it arises, should be recycled in every possible way.

And we are really consistent and come by bike, public transport or shuttle bus so that we don't burden nature and this place. If there is really no other way, we will also find a solution.

We are looking forward to meeting you - be welcome to "Liederlauschen am Rand"!

Practical info

Pricerange per day

25 to 50 euro




Snack bar , Resto , Veggie/vegan , Gluten-lactose free

Main target group

25 - 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus , Shuttle service



Average attendence per day

Under 500 attendees

Art disciplines

Music , Classical Music , Jazz , Rock , Pop , Electronic Music

Support for disabled people
