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MATEŘINKA 19 (25th anniversary)

18 Jun 2019 - 22 Jun 2019
Liberec, Czechia Jablonec nad Nisou, Czechia Turnov, Czechia Liberec, Czechia
This page contains information about a past festival edition. View the latest edition here.

International festival MATEŘINKA (biennial) is a permanent part of activities The Naive Theatre Liberec, a top professional Czech puppet theatre with an international reputation. The festival is dedicated since its inception in the year 1972 at the presentation of the development of theatre for youngest audience. Its main aim is to seek and bring in a program the high quality arts degrees puppet theatre for the youngest children from production of Czech and selected top European theatres and groups. The history of the festival MATEŘINKA is long and rich. The first year which originated in The Naive Theatre Liberec in the early seventies won quickly the critical aclaim. Festival soon became an official event visited increasingly by domestic and foreign experts. The festival constantly monitors the development of contemporary puppetry for the youngest children and is considered even on the European scela extraordinary. It manages to maintain close relationships with artist and other creators of different artistic disciplines (cinema, fine art, music). The need of festival which concentrates the best of the professional puppetry for the youngest children is highly relevant and desirable. Especially nowadays when commercilization tendencies hitting a number spheres of our life affect children of early age. Search counterweight in a theatre produciton for children is undergoing perhaps uneven, yet crucial battle with a brutal barrage and trash around us with effort to have the youngest audience to focus on basic human values. In its program the festival MATEŘINKA regularly provides space for the presentation of young talented artists as well as the innovative practices and staging experiments in order to promote and to emerge their talents and aproaches. It has been always happening with Academy of Performing Arts Prague. By this way the festival MATEŘINKA helps students to be involved from the very begining of their professional career as an active part of international event with opportunity to meet artistically mature artists from many European countries and thus enrich their personal development. Festival MATEŘINKA has been cooperating with other international festivals directly or through UNIMA - the world international puppetry organization. Over the years festival MATEŘINKA gained firm place among European puppetry festivals. We can proudly say that MATEŘINKA is an event of international importance. Festival provides not only an important confrontation in the field of home but also the opportunity to compare this specific type of work in a wider European context. An important acknowledgment of the quality was the awarding brand EFFE - Brussels (2015-2017).

The festival MATEŘINKA takes into focus the performances for audience from 3 to 7 years. For the year of 2019´s issue we are going to prepare the participation of 12 groups from Czech Republic (Theatre Drak Hradec Králové, Theatre Alfa Plzeň, The Naive Theatre Liberec, Buns and Puppets Theatre of Puppets Ostrava and selected independent puppet groups and soloists). From abroad we invited performances from Belgium, Germany, Spain, Poland, the theatre from Slovakia will be the traditional guest, too. Integral part of festival are animated films projections and expert discussions. Festival will present 2 interesting exhibitions, first one devoted to traditional Czech figure Casper, and the second one to 25th anniversary of Mateřinka festival and 70 years from establishing of The Naive Theatre Liberec (1949). During the festival will be held the meeting of UNIMA COMMISION FOR INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

Under 10 euro


Partner hotel , Youth hostel


Self service resto , Veggie/vegan

Main target group

Under 12 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km) , Shuttle service


City center , Nature

Average attendence per day

Under 500 attendees

Art disciplines


Support for disabled people
