Navarra International Film Festival 5th Edition

21 Sep 2023 - 23 Sep 2023
Pamplona, Spain

NIFF - Navarra International Film Festival was born as a meeting space between diverse creators and disciplines (music, dance, theatre) to promote inclusion and generate debate through cinema and its protagonists.

Currently, Navarra has good infrastructure, attractive locations and a film industry in constant boiling thanks to tax incentives for production and to the construction of the Estudios Melitón film sets, in the Baztán Valley, the main promoter of the NIFF.

A privileged situation that allows us to work to sensitise society to the constant bombardment of information. Thus, NIFF was born to generate denunciation, impact and social growth; fight against the lack of commitment; accommodate a wide variety of opinions; and place people at the epicentre of everything.

A festival that is presented as a new tool to promote this diverse land and rich as an ideal space for film and audiovisual production.

​The planet and its inhabitants; feminism, diversity and integration; the concerns of our elders; the environment of Navarra... the themes of NIFF - Navarra International Film Festival gravitate around social reality and education in values.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



City center

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Film , Photography/Video

Support for disabled people
