Oremandsgaard Chamber Music Festival

23 Jul 2019 - 28 Jul 2019
Præstø, Denmark

The aim of Oremandsgaard Chamber Music Festival has always been to combine well known compositions with well renowned contemporary composers. Visiting composers include Hans Abramhamsen, Toshio Hosokawa & Peteris Vasks. The artists vary according to the visiting composer, but previous visitors include Peter Serkin, Gerringgas, Baiba & Lauma Skride, Sayaka Shoji, Andreas Brantelid. The artists and composers live side by side at Oremandsgaard Manor House.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro


Snack bar

Main target group

25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park



Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Music , Classical Music

Support for disabled people
