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30 Aug 2019 - 01 Sep 2019
Hrvatska Kostajnica, Croatia

PRESS film festival is dedicated to journalism, reportage and press photography.

The idea of this festival was homage to Gordan Lederer and Russian journalists who died in Hrvatska Kostajnica performing their profession. So we dedicated the first year to the war reporter, so year after year the theme of the festival changed; travelogues, migrant crises and hate speech, investigation journalism ... This year, the theme is "FAKE NEWS", which has become a part of everyday life. PRESS film festival is dedicated to journalistic reportage, documentary film, film form, and photography.
After 4 years, many guests from all over the world came to the festival in a small town - Hrvatska Kostajnica, war torn down, floods and landslides destroyed by the economic crisis and the fall of the poor, we realized that this festival is a meeting of a journalist elite who likes the audience cultural and social manifestation is really special.
This year we are joined by the Croatian Journalist Society (HND) as a partner, who will assist in the professional organization of the festival through a forum and a professional meeting.
The films will follow the topic of false news and will present the news from region I world as such. PRESS film festival attracts many journalists, but also the audience coming from the whole region.
In addition to film projections, we organize reportage workshops for children and young people, forums, photo-art workshops, exhibitions...
So far we have had guests: Edo Popović, Hrvoje Polan, Saša Kralj, Jasmin Krpan, Vladimir Mukusev, Aleksandar Reljić, Brankica Drašković, Bekim Sejranović, Zoran Marinović, Moku Teraoka, Ziad Al Taha, Elie Gardner, Dražen Šimić and many others. Three years ago, we were expecting Michael Palin, who announced his arrival but he gave up at the last minute for recording the series ...
The PRESS film festival is special because it has its depth because of the location where it is being visited and many of the visitors who come to Hrvatska Kostajnica from year to year are recognized.

The first Press Film Festival in Kostajnica which was held under the sponsorship of the Croatian Film Directors Guild, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, Sisak-Moslavina County. Every year is another topic of journalizm.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Partner hotel



Main target group

16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus


City center

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Film , Music , Jazz , Rock , Photography/Video

Support for disabled people
