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Routes in Marpissa

26 Aug 2022 - 28 Aug 2022
Paros, Greece
This page contains information about a past festival edition. View the latest edition here.

Routes in Marpissa is a three-day, experiential, cultural festival organized by a group of volunteers and takes place every August in Marpissa, Paros island, Greece since 2010. The festival has as its central idea the creation of routes and points of interest in the traditional settlement, around themes of architecture, folklore, music, art and environment. It is designed on the characteristics and scale of the village. It aims at an experiential approach so everyone can have an active role in the events.

The festival is developed in two axes: the “stations” (visiting sites-art exhibitions) and the program of various events.

The “stations” are points of interest and interaction. They are situated at inner and outer spaces of the village (courtyards, churches, buildings for special purposes, terraces, houses) including audio-visual material about Marpissa and Paros. This material is framed by actions to support the participation of the visitors so that knowledge is passed on through pleasant and creative activities.

During the three days of the festival, houses and buildings of special interest become visiting sites, giving visitors the opportunity to come into direct contact with the original character of the village and its inhabitants.

The art exhibitions of “Routes in Marpissa” aim at an experiential approach of art to the public. This is achieved through workshops, performances, art installations, exhibitions, all adjusted to the scale of the settlement, in the presence of artists. The artists participating in the festival are inspired by the unique characteristics of the settlement, transforming the tradition of the place into modern art.

The festival is framed by a series of events such as educational workshops for children and adults, lectures, workshops, games, concerts, narrations, and environmental actions.

Inspired by the village, accompanied by the residents and aiming at the action, come and walk with us in Marpissa!

Practical info

Pricerange per day




Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Architecture , Contemporary Dance , Heritage , Interdisciplinary , Music , Classical Music