
Rovinj Photodays

03 May 2019 - 05 May 2019
Rovinj, Croatia

Rovinj Photodays is the largest and most comprehensive photo festival in Southeast Europe. This all-year-round project is supported by the numerous cultural institutions and organizations, as well as several key sponsors. The festival was started in 2008 by Livingstone Association and Astoria d. o. o.

Festival activities include an annual contest, a series of travelling exhibitions during the year in cooperation with cultural institutions and galleries, and a festival finale in May in Rovinj.

The twelfth edition of Rovinj Photodays, opened for the entire International photographic scene, is titled:

International Competition of Contemporary Photography – 12th Rovinj Photodays, 2019

The grand finale in Rovinj, the most romantic city in the Mediterranean, includes a series of workshops, lectures, portfolio presentations and 15 exhibitions, attended by international photography experts and photographers from the entire region. The festival attracts numerous visitors, and contesters come from all the neighbouring countries.In the previous years, the official programme included exhibitions of Croatian and international photography masters.

Grand Prix award – The jury will choose the overall winner of the Festival – a Grand Prix Winner who will get a one-person show and a catalogue during the Photodays festival exhibition in the autumn at the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb.

The festival offers a quality platform for networking and the promotion of the photographers’ work, as well as the possibility to exchange experiences and knowledge. All the finalists of the annual contest win the opportunity to take part in the group travelling exhibition and the winners are awarded with the official festival statuette – ‘Kadar’.

The festival offers a friendly atmosphere, many free-participation and free-entry features, the possibility to visit various indoors and outdoors exhibitions, participation in award photo routes, and many reasons to come and mingle with photography lovers from the entire region.

Practical info

Pricerange per day


Art disciplines
