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SAAL Biennaal 2025

02 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2025
Tallinn, Estonia
This page contains information about a past festival edition. View the latest edition here.

SAAL Biennaal is an international performing arts festival taking place in Tallinn and organised by Kanuti Gildi SAAL.

Next edition will be the second time the festival is curated collectively, something we started as an experiment on the 20th anniversary year, in 2023.

Each edition of the festival has highlighted sensitive social issues that may otherwise be left unnoticed in the background, although there has never been a previous agreement on a certain theme or format, this will be the same for our coming edition.

SAAL Biennaal started as a contemporary dance festival under the name of August DanceFestival and has been in constant transition along with the natural development of the merging art forms from contemporary dance towards performing arts and now beyond, as the latest editions also include (performative) installations and exhibitions.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro

Main target group

16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o


City center

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Contemporary Dance , Interdisciplinary , Theater