

25 Sep 2023 - 30 Sep 2023
Bologna, Italy

body <> movement

arts <> sciences

The concept conveyed by the festival title is that matter undergoes a transformation as part of its effort to remain a part of everything else.

A desire to focus on what remains; the residue, trail, traces or spoors left by any process of transformation.

Every action or movement leaves trails of matter that eventually turn into another form of matter. A subtle, slow process, difficult or even impossible to perceive for those who rush. Also the idea that the residue we generate, the trails we leave are the inheritance of future generations. They will influence, perhaps even compose the visible and invisible world in which they will live.

Like fireworks fill the sky with smoke, sulfur particles and metals, creating a spectacle inside the spectacle. The performance is over, the stage is empty but someone is still looking at it as if it were still occupied... and it is, it is full of that rarely mentioned contrail that every passage generates.

Acknowledging dance as a tool for inquiry into the human being, it's history, physical attributes, social expressions search for meaning and value, Scie facilitates a meeting space for art, science and culture. Scie aims to integrate theoretical and practical research, to circulate different kinds of knowledge and practice by focusing on the relevance and commonness of content rather than formal constraints, Scie weaves on its program, dance training events, performances, meetings and round tables.

Practical info

Pricerange per day


Main target group

25 - 50 y/o


City center , Nature

Average attendence per day

Under 500 attendees

Art disciplines

Architecture , Contemporary Dance , Theater