Southwell Music Festival

26 Aug 2020 - 31 Aug 2020
Southwell, United Kingdom

Southwell Music Festival is an annual, top-quality classical music festival taking place each August Bank Holiday to celebrate classical music, to raise the profile of the town and its magnificent medieval Minster, and to inspire local musicians – especially young people. Southwell – a small, historic town in rural Nottinghamshire on the edge of Sherwood Forest – is the ideal place for a festival. Dominating the town is its Minster – seat of the Bishops of Southwell and Nottingham and a centre for high quality music-making.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus


Nature , Village

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Heritage , Music , Classical Music , Jazz , Early Music , Opera

Support for disabled people
