02 Aug 2022 - 12 Aug 2022
München, Germany

Every summer, TANZWERKSTATT EUROPA brings together internationally renowned choreographers, teachers and dancers from all over the world in Munich with its wide-ranging program of dance workshops. As a laboratory for new ideas, it provides important impulses for contemporary dance offering a high-quality summer dance workshop program for all people who take great delight in dancing.

Besides contemporary dance and special repertory classes there are intensives for professional dancers and choreographers. They give valuable insights into important current working methods and are also an inspiration to work on your own choreographic material.

We also offer various courses for all amateur dance enthusiasts who would like to try contemporary dance or who have already gained some experience.

To relax the body we offer body work classes in Feldenkrais and Yoga.

If you book by or on July 11, benefit from our special early bird rates!

For more information please check our website:


Practical info

Pricerange per day

above 50 euro


City center

Average attendence per day

Under 500 attendees

Art disciplines

Contemporary Dance