
Tap Liege Festival 2024

17 Feb 2024 - 23 Nov 2024
Liège, Belgium

The Tap Liege Festival celebrates tap dance in performance. The first two editions of the festival included 20 different professional tap dancers or companies in performance. The Festival uses at its venue the polyvalent theatre space of the Claquettes Club, a space ideally created for tap dance with regard to hardwood floor, acoustic properties, theatrical lights, and sound.

Tap dance as contemporary expression, tap dance as nostalgia, tap dance as musical theatre, tap dance as music, tap dance as dance, flamenco, percussive dance, tap dance as good old-fashioned show business: we believe in tap dance in all forms and the Tap Liege Festival aims to nurture the art form into the future. Artists are fully accompanied by dramaturgical services as needed, and full technical support for lights, sound, and video.

Highlights of the 2024 festival include Boys Club, a feminist-inspired musing on women in tap dance, created and performed by three technically sharp young Canadian dancers; the Swiss duo Carpe Rhythmum in their new contemporary fantasia on the passage of time, XPM; Dutch Tappin' It Collective bringing their fresh, smart, dance-theatre surrealism in a new duo work; Hilberman in concert with Belgian legends Charles Loos, Jean-Luis Rassinfosse, and Jean-François Prins.

Planning for the 2025 edition includes the return of body percussionist Jep Melendez with Canary Island virtuoso Benito Cabrera; New York City's singular The Bang Group; possible collaborations with Broadway veterans Derick Grant and Cartier Williams.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro


City center

Art disciplines

Contemporary Dance , Circus , Folklore and folk arts , Heritage

Support for disabled people
