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The II Classical Hugs Music Festival in Estonia

28 Jun 2023 - 03 Jul 2023
Tallinn, Estonia Tartu, Estonia Tallinn, Estonia Narva, Estonia Pärnu, Estonia
This page contains information about a past festival edition. View the latest edition here.


Classical Hugs International Music Festival explores cross-cultural and musical connections between Estonia and countries of Western Europe, Asia, and America.

The festival presents masterclasses in violin, viola, cello, and piano by world-class Professors from Estonia, the United States, Ukraine, Switzerland, Austria, England, Germany, and South Korea and a concert tour in 4 Estonian cities: Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu, and Narva.


The concerts of the Classical Hugs Music Festival will present 3 orchestras, 4 conductors, and internationally acclaimed soloists across five continents: from Mexico to Australia.

Festival orchestras include the Narva Symphony Orchestra (conducted by Maestro Anatoli Schura), the Euro-Korean Soloist Ensemble (led by Maestro Yound Dae Yoo), and Klassika Kütkes International Orchestra under the baton of Estonian conductor Lilyan Kaiv and the Spanish conductor, Marc Moncusi.

Klassika Kütkes International Orchestra

Klassika Kütkes International Orchestra was formed in 2022. The orchestra features musicians from Estonian oldest orchestra (established 1908), Vanemuine Symphony, and top virtuoso musicians from 15 countries, selected by video auditions from across the globe.

Performing under the baton of legendary Maestro Marc Moncusi (who worked with Yehudi Menuhin) Klassika Kütkes International Orchestra constitutes an ensemble of the highest quality.

Soloists and Guest Artists

Michael Bulychev-Okser - Internationally acclaimed American pianist, composer, and producer, who performed on the biggest stages around the world.

Michael is a Founder/Artistic Director of the Classical Hugs International Music Festival.

Miriam Davis is a British violinist and model known for her daring looks, dazzling beauty, and remarkable interpretations.

Pavel Vernikov - Violin Professor and Artistic Director - Sion Music Academy

Svetlana Makarova - Violin Professor - Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne

Carmine Lauri - Festival Guest Artist (violin) and Leader of the London Symphony Orchestra

Hartmut Rohde - Festival Guest Artist (viola) and Professor at Berlin University of Arts

Indrek Leivategija - Festival Guest Artist - Principal cellist - Bamberg Orchestra and Estonian National Orchestra.

Music performed.

Classical Hugs International Orchestra will perform everyone's favorite classical works by Beethoven, Haydn, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Arvo Pärt, and Rhapsodic large-scale work "Seascapes" by Maltese American composer Alexey Shor, who is currently one of the most frequently performed composers in the World.
"Seascapes" by Alexei Shor will be performed in Tallinn, Tartu, and Pärnu as part of the summer festival, while his Piano Concerti and Carpe Diem will be featured at 2 concerts of the special edition of the festival in Pärnu on October 22 and in Tallinn - October 24, 2023.

Cultural Message and Mission

A hug is a simple expression of human warmth. A Classical Hug is an expression of an affectionate feeling through music.

The festival's mission is to demonstrate how music can bring love and peace worldwide.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

Under 10 euro


Partner hotel , AirBnb


Snack bar

Main target group

25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km) , Shuttle service


City center , Nature , Suburbs

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Music , Classical Music

Support for disabled people
