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XXVII edition Festival Maggio all'infanzia

02 May 2024 - 30 May 2024
Bari, Italy Monopoli, Italy Martina Franca, Italy Ruvo di Puglia, Italy

Theatres as well as former convents, historic palaces, squares, parish halls, and chapiteaux, become the stage for the eagerly awaited event dedicated to young audiences. "From Leaf to Leaf" is the title of the 27th edition of "Maggio all’Infanzia," the theatre festival for new generations organised by Fondazione SAT Spettacolo Arte Territorio, with artistic direction by Teresa Ludovico, project management by Cecilia Cangelli, and educational consulting by Giorgio Testa. For the 2024 edition, two new municipalities join the project: Ruvo di Puglia and Martina Franca, which, together with Bari, Molfetta, and Monopoli, will host the most important national and international youth theatre productions throughout the month of May, with premieres, morning performances dedicated to school groups, and afternoon and evening events open to families and the general public. The circus arts will also take center stage within two chapiteaux from Circus Madera and Circus Paniko.

The focal point of Maggio all’Infanzia, as per tradition, is the showcase of performances presented to numerous industry professionals who come to Puglia specifically to meet emerging companies and preview new shows to schedule for upcoming theatre seasons throughout Italy. There will be 22 productions, including 10 national premieres and four regional ones, scheduled from May 15 to 19 in the theaters of Bari, Ruvo, and Monopoli.


BARI: Teatro Kismet – Teatro Piccinni – Granteatrino Casa di Pulcinella – Piazza Massari

MONOPOLI: Teatro Radar – Teatro Mariella – Parrocchia Sacro Cuore – Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II – Largo Giuseppe Garibaldi

MOLFETTA: La Cittadella degli artisti – Parco urbano Baden-Powell

RUVO: Teatro comunale – Ex convento dei Domenicani

MARTINA FRANCA: Sala consiliare Palazzo Ducale – Piazza XX Settembre – Piazza Immacolata – Piccolo teatro comunale Valerio Cappelli

The festival is organised by Fondazione SAT Spettacolo Arte Territorio, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Puglia Region, the municipalities of Bari, Martina Franca, Molfetta, Monopoli, and Ruvo di Puglia, and the Bari Chamber of Commerce, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese, the Korean Cultural Institute in Italy, and KOFICE (Korean Foundation for International Cultural Exchange). It is under the patronage and support of the Puglia Region’s Child Rights and Disability Rights Ombudsman.In collaboration with Teatro Stabile d'Innovazione Ragazzi Le Nuvole of Naples, Casa dello Spettatore of Rome, Casa del Contemporaneo, TRIC Teatri di Bari, Cooperativa Kismet, Assitej Italia (International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People), TRAC (Puglia Theatre Residencies Network), ARPA Puglia, Conservatorio di Musica ‘Nino Rota’ of Monopoli, and the Pro Loco of Martina Franca. The festival is part of the Italiafestival network and the EFA (European Festivals Association) under the EFFE Label project.

All information and the updated programme can be found on the website

Practical info

Pricerange per day

Under 10 euro

Main target group

Under 12 y/o , 12 - 16 y/o


City center

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Circus , Interdisciplinary , Music , Pop , Theater

Support for disabled people
