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ΦantastiCon 2019

05 Oct 2019 - 06 Oct 2019
Athens, Greece

The ΦantastiCon Festival is a two-day festival, that takes place annually on the first weekend of October in Athens. It is the first of its kind in Greece, having taken place for the first time in October 2015 and every October since. The festival combines all sub-genres of Fantasy (classic fantasy, science fiction, horror) in various forms of expression, such as literature, cinema, theater, music, comics, painting, illustration, sculpture, as well as all types of board and RPG games.

The festival is an open platform for all those who love Fantasy, be they entrepreneurs of the genre, such as publishers and shop owners, or independent authors, artists, craftsmen or societies, who want to present their work to the public. During the festival, our visitors can browse through booths with books, comics, handicrafts, games and art, participate in a full program of relevant lectures, exhibitions and workshops, as well as enjoy many artistic performances and take part in various competitions.

Each year, the festival honors people who have contributed to the development of Fantasy in Greece and invites special guests from abroad, such as well-known authors, illustrators, film directors and actors or prominent members of international communities.

The festival is open to all, and is suitable for all ages. It is recognized by the Municipality of Athens and supported by institutions like the Hellenic American Union and the Hellenic American College. Admittance is free.

The Greek Fantasy Society is a non-profit society, established in 2014 as per the requirements of Greek Law. Its main aim is the development of the Fantasy genre in Greece through various cultural events and the organization of the annual ΦantastiCon Festival.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



City center

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Digital Arts , Interdisciplinary , Literature , Music , Sculptures

Support for disabled people
