Mf Ss 2019 Copy

Музикален фестивал "Седемте съзвучия" / Music Festival "The Seven Consonances"

04 Oct 2019 - 06 Oct 2019
Sofia, Bulgaria

The festival "Sedemte Sazvuchia" (The Seven Consonances) is dedicated to the music of the Bulgarian Spiritual teacher, philosopher and composer Peter Deunov. Its goal is to bring the music of Peter Deunov to a wider audience and to stimulate the elaboration of the ideas throughput in it. During the festival days we organise free concerts and workshops. Musicians from all over Bulgaria can participate without age limitations. The festival encourages participation of young musicians and each edition has a concert made children.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



City center

Average attendence per day

Under 500 attendees

Art disciplines

Heritage , Music , Classical Music