19th Novi Sad literature festival

02 Sep 2024 - 04 Sep 2024
Novi Sad, Serbia Novi Sad, Serbia

The International Novi Sad Literature Festival is the biggest and brightest in Serbia. Featuring contemporary poets and critics, the Festival lasts for 3 days filled with literature. It includes readings, performances, exhibitions, music and a wonderful atmosphere. It is a literature festival that features poets and critics

who represent and promote contemporary literature. More than 980 writers from Serbia and abroad participated in the previous eighteenth Festivals, and the impressions of all of the participants were very good – they were all satisfied with their stay in Novi Sad and the programme of the Festival (participants from England, Ireland, Germany, Bulgaria, Ukraine, USA, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Hungary, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Romania, Sudan, France, Denmark, Turkey, Croatia, Bosnia, Republika Srpska, Nigeria, Morocco, etc.).

The programme of the Festival includes afternoon and evening readings and discussions in various venues throughout the city, as well as visiting other towns in Serbia. These readings represent national literatures, groups of authors or a single author. The main event is the evening reading аt the "DOC Vojvode Putnika 1". Every year, a symposium is held to discuss important contemporary literary themes.

The participants will go visit the monasteries on Fruska Gora (a mountain near Novi Sad). Novi Sad is the capital of the Province of Vojvodina and the second biggest city in Serbia Its population is over 450,000.

During the Festival, a ceremony of awarding the prize to the Young Serbian poet of the Year, titiled Brankova nagrada . Award Novi Sad is given to a world renowned living poet for his poetic oeuvre or life achievement in the field of poetry (Christoph Meckel, Jean-Pierre Faye, Ben Okri, Sean O’Brien, Lyubomir Levchev, Kathrin Schmidt, Krzysztof Karasek, Mircea Cărtărescu etc). Also for the third time, there are going to be organized poetry readings from balconies in Zmaj Jovina street, by both domestic and foreign participants. In the Club Absolut, foreign authors will also read and discuss their poetry and meet with Serbian audience.

The Festival is supported by Serbian Ministry of Culture, The Department of Culture of Province of Voivodine and Novi Sad City Council.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Partner hotel


Star resto

Main target group

25 - 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km)


City center

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines


Support for disabled people
