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Au Gust Festival "Roots"

13 Aug 2022 - 14 Aug 2022
Durlești, Moldova

Au Gust Festival 5th edition will take place on August 13 and 14!

Come to the square of the House of Culture in Durlesti, 5A Alexandru cel Bun street, to share beautiful moments with creative outdoor activities.

  • On Saturday, August 13 beginning at 4 pm, we are preparing an afternoon full of music with the Ministry of Subculture, social games animated by CUC the Moldovan club of intellectual games, a film screening with MolDox, an exhibition of text and photos, training workshops and other surprises.

  • On Sunday, August 14 starting at 10am, our traditional fair will take place, where we invite the most responsible producers, artisans, associations and civically engaged actors promoting healthy living and ecology.

Au Gust is an event that explores the fusion of agriculture and culture, and aims to revitalise the public space of Durlesti and diversify the local cultural offer through a series of creative and educational activities.

For 5 years now we have been promoting sustainable agriculture and responsible producers. For 3 years we have been encouraging young people's creativity through the Au Gust competitions in the categories of photo, text, video, and through the artistic residency, the subjects of which question the agri-cultural fusion. The theme selected for the 2022 edition is "Roots".

Previously called " The Festival of Early Grapes ", it questioned the role of the farming profession and the problems it faces in today's society. Taking this year's decision to broaden the festival's horizons towards exploring agriculture in relation to art and urban regeneration, the Au Gust festival is organising participatory making workshops in its programme and continues to open the debate on prejudices and stereotypes in the field of agriculture. It becomes the first festival in Moldova to do so. Becoming Au Gust, the AgriCultural Days, this year we explore the theme of roots.

Roots fix plants in the soil - absorb water and mineral salts from the soil - establish physiological bonds with soil nutrients - regenerate the whole plant. Likewise, the Au Gust Festival, through its actions, wants to regenerate the culture of Durlești.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Fast snack , Snack bar

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus



Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Design, Applied arts , Film , Music , Jazz , Rock , Pop