Banniere Fb

BrightMed and Gibraltar World Music Festival

11 Jun 2019 - 14 Jun 2019
Gibraltar, United Kingdom

The vision of BrightMed is to make Gibraltar and the region (Spain, Portugal, Morocco) an example to the world in terms of togetherness (locally called “convivencia”). It started 7 years ago in reaction of the negative forces impulsed by the media. It is now a movement of Peace.

Its Credo is Bridging Souls and Lands

Every year since 2012, BrightMed and the Gibraltar World Music Festival have been proposing a theme in line with the values of peace and “Convivencia” (togetherness). The last themes, for example were in 2017: Uprising (for peace) and 2018: Borders.

BrightMed is a cultural platform allowing all expressions of arts:

1 - The BrighMed Film Festival:8 documentaries (objective10), 134 people/session in Gibraltar, Selection Committee (2 Movie Directors, Head of National Fund for Morrocan Cinema, BrightMed Organisers), an Award Ceremony is organized.

2 - The BrightMed Talks: exclusively addressed to students (300 each year and could go to 1000 easily from local schools). We asked eminent and inspirational speakers to teach a skill to the students and make our kids transformation agents.

3- The Brightmed International Seminar:

Eminent speakers, diplomats, activists, thinkers, NGOs etc…are gathering in Gibraltar to discuss a specific topic within the general theme of the festival.

4 - The GWMF: musical concerts at St michael’s Cave (Climax and end of the festival),

5 - Street Party: attracting the population of Gibraltar. Using one particular street of Gibraltar and reaching up to 5000 people. The programme involves not less than 20 academic organisations (schools, dance academies, choirs, locals artists…)

6 – Exhibitions: various collective of artists exhibiting in buildings in town.

7 - Musical Workshops: Held by international artists performing and teaching to students from schools and local academies (200 students participated to this particular event in 2018).

Practical info

Pricerange per day

25 to 50 euro

Main target group

16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Shuttle service


City center , Nature , Village

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Film , Interdisciplinary , Music , Jazz , Rock , Street Art

Support for disabled people
