BRQ Vantaa Early Music Festival 2024

10 Aug 2024 - 16 Aug 2024
Vantaa, Finland

BRQ Vantaa, nesting in an idyllic village overlooked by the medieval Church of St Lawrence, is a festival specialising in spellbinding period instruments and early music. Surrounded by a time-honoured cultural landscape and village milieu, the finest treasures of early music fill the church’s ancient stone vaults and modern chapel. The concerts in the historical heart of the city of Vantaa are an experience in which many wish to share time and time again in the dusky late-summer evenings.

The programme for this August festival rests on music composed before 1800. Adding spice are new contemporary works and premieres, and innovations based on earlier instrumental tradition. The core programme consists of recitals and chamber music supplemented by orchestral concerts. It thus provides options for both devoted early-music fans and first-timers.

Each year, the festival presents music and musicians not heard in Finland before. Joining the Finnish artists are numerous guests from abroad, mainly Europe, but also from China, India, Africa and elsewhere, bringing early music from their respective countries. The Artistic Director has been Markku Luolajan-Mikkola since the festival was founded in 2010.

The theme for year 2024 is the Human Voice.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

25 to 50 euro

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km)


City center , Village

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Music , Early Music