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Christopher Summer Festival

08 Jul 2024 - 10 Sep 2024
Vilnius, Lithuania

In 2024, the Christopher Summer Festival will enter its 30th anniversary summer. This anniversary, at the same time symbolising both maturity and vigour, will be revealed through the legendary axis of the festival - St. Christopher.

St Christopher is the patron saint of travellers and the city of Vilnius. That is why the name already encodes the essence of the Christopher Summer Festival - a wide (both geographically and in terms of genres and styles) musical panorama and belonging to Vilnius. Thus, after 30 years of intensive travelling around the world, St. Christopher will send musical postcards from all corners of the earth. This connecting theme of the festival programme encodes a message of diversity of cultures, music, attitudes and a message of tolerance and curiosity to explore this diversity. It is particularly relevant today: with the increasing polarisation of society, even radicalisation in the context of values, and the closing of information, cultural and social bubbles, a counterbalance is needed to deconstruct fears, attitudes and mistrust. This is where the window of opportunity opens for music - the universal language of the world, with its phenomenal power to unite people.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro


Partner hotel

Main target group

25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o


City center , Nature

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Music , Classical Music , Jazz , Early Music

Support for disabled people
