
31 May 2023 - 04 Jun 2023
Trutnov, Czechia

The Social Center for Culture and Leisure of Trutnov is organising the international festival of the new circus called Cirk-UFF. In 2023 it will be the 13th year of Cirk-UFF. The Festival is placed in the environment of the unique multifunctional building Uffo, with a variable layout of the auditorium and stage part, where even the most demanding scenes can be set up. Individual performances take place in Uffo's theatre spaces, in the circus marquee near Uffo or in the open space directly in front of the building and in the city centre. The outdoor production is open to the general public for free. The several-day festival brings entertainment and cultural enrichment to people from different social groups, different tastes and orientations. The festival has become a very popular event, which has won the favour of citizens not only from the whole country but also abroad.

Practical info


City center

Art disciplines

Contemporary Dance , Circus , Music , Street Art , Theater

Support for disabled people
