
Eos Festival 2023

28 Aug 2023 - 03 Sep 2023
Ventotene, Italy

Eos Chamber Music Festival takes its name from the namesake Greek goddess corresponding to the latin Aurora. It is the divinity of the day, who opens the gates of Paradise aboard a chariot pulled by two horses for the sun to rise; a beautiful woman with pink fingers and god-plate arms who wearing a saffron-colored dress woven of flowers, mother of the winds Bora, Euro, Zephyr and Austro. Therefore Eos is renewed every day bringing light, splendor and serenity: a wish that arises as the foundation of the Festival.

Our Festival was born in July 2021, on the wonderful island of Ventotene, parallel to
Ambient'Azioni Musicali activities - an international summer campus in musical performance - and is the result of a path of work, research, experimentation, maturation, lasted almost 10 years.
Eos is its natural extension, which operates on an academic level marked by excellence.
It is also configured as a response to the enormous need that the entire musical world has for reboot, reorganize, reconnect with society; literally the dawn of a new period.

The protagonists of Eos Festival will be great musicians on the international scene, but above all 8 young talents of classical music who will be selected through an online audition. The winners will receive a scholarship to cover their accommodation costs on the island and a travel expense reimbursement.
They will also have the opportunity to perform in chamber ensembles alongside renowned
musicians in the most evocative places on the island of Ventotene; then they will work closely with them for a week through open rehearsals and individual meetings and will learn how to take on cope the preparation of concerts in a serious and effective way.
The main intent is to identify the professionals "of tomorrow" and set up a springboard launch fortheir career. All the concerts of the Festival will be recorded and broadcast on dedicated streaming channels.

To take part in the Eos Festival, the “Maxima Entropia” Cultural Association announces an audition online which provides for the award of eight scholarships, two for each of the following instruments: piano, violin, viola, cello. There will be also a Call for Scores turned to young composers under 35.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Partner hotel

Main target group

Under 12 y/o , 12 - 16 y/o , 16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o



Average attendence per day

Under 500 attendees

Art disciplines

Music , Classical Music