Extension of the international puppet festival: Galicreques

18 Dec 2023 - 20 Jan 2024
Teo, Spain

This will be an extention of the Galicreques puppet festival, which is a social and cultural meeting where all the theatrical languages come together. In this extention the "Tacón" project will take place as the main event, it seeks, from the theatre of masks and burlesque, to investigate gender diversity, using styles such as the jester, the choir and satire to feed the collective creation.

“A city of hidden faces on top of empty faces. Grotesque social masks,
prejudices with faces laughing out loud and among all those mouths that
judge and hurt so much, some eyes, a body that is being discovered.”

This project proposes 8 days of workshops with members from the Galician LGTBIQ+ communities, where Nauta will direct the creation and other artists will intervene to offer specific workshops. Finally we will perform it within the framework of the

Practical info

Pricerange per day

Under 10 euro

Main target group

16 - 25 y/o


City center , Village

Art disciplines

Interdisciplinary , Theater