Festival de Música Antigua de Úbeda y Baeza

23 Nov 2018 - 08 Dec 2018
Úbeda, Spain Baeza, Spain

XXII Festival de Música Antigua de Úbeda y Baeza. VNITAS ET DIVERSITAS:National styles in early music

Date: 24 November to 8 December 2018

Although the concepts of style and school are artificial due to the constant overlap of traditions, many composers and listeners have been aware of composing or listening to music in a different way, drawing on regional or national traditions and practices. Taking advantage of the celebration of the European Year of Cultural Heritage by the European Commission, the FeMAUB 2018 will address this issue and will offer a series of concerts in order to represent the differences between national schools, but also the links existing among them.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro


City center , Nature , Village

Art disciplines

Music , Classical Music , Early Music