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Festival of New Folklore "Town-Village"

24 Aug 2019
Kobylnica, Poland

Is there a boundary between urban and rural culture? If so, what is it all about? Which one is more popular, appreciated, or more attractive? These questions and more have become an inspiration to create the Festival of New Folklore "Town-Village” (Festiwal Nowego Folkloru „Miasto-Wieś") in Kobylnica. The first edition of this event, which aims to contrast and compare the work of artists working in small rural areas and large agglomerations, took place on August 25, 2018.

During the first edition of this event, we had an opportunity to compare both sides in many respects - artistic, cultural, culinary and customary. Over few hours of the event the audience could see for themselves how many different shades the modern culture of a modern city and rural folklore has. The event was also an opportunity to listen to concerts of Polish songwriters and bands as well as enjoy culinary pleasures.

The unique element of the Festival consisted in the fact that the event boldly combined the cultural elements of two areas: urban and rural.

The idea of the creators was to show in one place and during one event both elements that relate to what is considered old, traditional folk culture, but at the same time to the most recognizable elements of the contemporary, modern world.

A few hours long festival was filled with performances by local bands from the Słupsk area, including the Kobylnica community, and national Polish stars. All of them were connected by common element of folklore appearing in the presented artistic work.

Next to the bands such as Tulia and Kapela Ze Wsi Warszawa, there were groups such as Ale Babki, Raj Power, Chopy and Kapela ze Wsi Damnica. In addition, during the festival there was a rally of food trucks. In specifically prepared for this event tents, people had an opportunity to participate in various animations - from those addressed to seniors, through games for children, ending with rivalry in old games and activities.

The new artistic idea presented by Center of Culture and Promotion in Kobylnica was met with great enthusiasm by locals and guests. Seeing the interest in the first edition of the event, the creators want to continue the project in the future and take it to the next level. This year's edition of the event will focus on the confrontation of urban and rural culture, extended to the international level. This time, the festival will focus on elements of Polish and Ukrainian culture.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Partner hotel


Fast snack , Self service resto , Resto

Main target group

16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus


Nature , Village

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Design, Applied arts , Folklore and folk arts , Music

Support for disabled people
