Festival TNB 2023

15 Nov 2023 - 25 Nov 2023
Rennes, France

Since its first edition in 2017, the Festival TNB has been rooted in a desire to build a lasting relationship with the public, based on risk-taking, curiosity and encounters. An important moment in the season, built with the complicity and participation of some fifteen cultural actors from the metropolis, the region and beyond – both loyal and new – in line with the programming. The event is conceived as a precipitate of the TNB project and the sounding board of each season.

The Festival TNB unfolds over several weeks and invites to discover singular dramaturgies, aesthetics and currents of thought, "out-of-format" projects, new artistic experiences, from different territories around the world.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro

Art disciplines

Contemporary Dance , Interdisciplinary , Theater