Visuel Total Danse 2018

Festival Total Danse

08 Nov 2019 - 24 Nov 2019
Sainte Clotilde (La Réunion), France Saint-Denis, France

The Total Danse festival was started in 2010 through the will and effort of Reunion Island’s TEAT Champ Fleuri | TEAT Plein Air (Creole-speaking theatre) Directors Pascal Montrouge and Bernard Faille, with the aim of creating a showcase event hinging around the body. While dance is naturally its major element, the festival offers a mix of many artistic disciplines. During 18 days, 18 artist teams from 9 different countries will perform before a total audience of 18,500.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro


Partner hotel


Snack bar

Directions & transport

Car park , Airport (max 20km)

Average attendence per day

Above 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Ballet , Contemporary Dance , Circus , Design, Applied arts

Support for disabled people
